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In-Vitro Fertilization


In-Vitro Fertilization

What is IVF?

IVF stands for In-Vitro Fertilitization. In this process, the egg (from the wife) and the sperm (from the husband) are taken out of the body and made to fertilize outside in culture medias.
Once the embryo grows to a certain stage, it is put back into the women’s uterus.

Who requires IVF?

IVF is needed for the below list of patients:-
*Wife who was not able to conceive naturally for long time or even after artificial insemination.
*Wife who has blockage of the egg passage like fallopian tube blocks or abrnomalities or uterus problems like endometriosis.
*Husband with sperm abnormalities like low count, poor motility or abnormal shapes etc.

How is it performed?

1) Ovarian stimulation:- The ovaries are stimulated so that more eggs would mature and can be used for the process. During this phase, hormones are given to the women over a period of time. This phase also requires monitoring through frequent ultrasound and blood tests are done.
2) Follicular puncture:- When the follicle is mature enough, a trigger shot of beta human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) is given. After around, 30 to 36 hours, follicular puncture is normally scheduled to retrieve the eggs mostly under local anaesthesia and sometimes may even require general anaesthesia.
3) Semen Collection:- Along with the egg retrieval, the husband would provide his semen which would be processed.
4) Oocyte Fertilization:- The eggs and the sperm obtained are united either in a culture media (IVF) or injected under a microscope (ICSI).
5) Embryoculture and monitoring:- The fertilized egg is nurished in culture media which is regulated with parameters found similar to that present in a normal pregnant uterus of the women.
6) Embryo Transfer:- During the growth of the embryo in the culture media, the doctor and the embryologist would determine an healthy embryo and the right time for them to be put back inside the uterus of the women. This can normally be done under simple sedation.
7) Implantation:- The embryo which is put back inside the uterus starts to attach itself along the wall of the uterus leading to the pregnancy. Normally, after 14 days, blood pregnancy test can be done to determine the outcome.

Consult us
Phone: 042401101
Email: [email protected]